We envision a future in which globally-minded leaders embrace diversity, pursue equity, and build inclusive cultures
Culturally Intelligent Training & Consulting seeks to provide its community with resources to learn about contemporary cultural issues that span the globe.
Here is a shortlist of texts we periodically update that might be helpful in learning about developing CI.
We encourage your reading of authors from historically excluded communities and cultures to engage a well-rounded perspective of history, as well as in personal and professional experiences and strategy.
Note: CITC has no affiliation with these texts or authors
Bhatti-Klug, R.R.: Increasing Cultural Responsiveness Among University Faculty through Cultural Intelligence Training
Earley, P., & Ang, S. Cultural intelligence: Individual interactions across cultures
Allport, Gordon. The Nature of Prejudice
Anderson, Carol. White Rage and One Person, No Vote
Benjamin, Ruha. Viral Justice and Imagination: A Manifesto
hooks, bell. All books on race, gender, and education
Kendi, Ibram X. How to Be An Antiracist, Stamped from the Beginning, and 400 Souls
Oluo, Ijeoma. So You Want to Talk About Race
- Singh, Annalese. The Racial Healing Handbook
Brackett, Marc. Permission to Feel
Brown, Brene. Atlas of the Heart
Caruso, David & Salovey, Peter. The Emotionally Intelligent Manager: How to Develop and Use the Four Key Emotional Skills of Leadership
Agorom, Chichi. The Enneagram for Black Liberation
Egerton, Deborah. Know Justice Know Peace
Lubbe, Jerome. The Brain-Based Enneagram
Brown, Austin Channing. I'm Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness
Burke, Tarana. Unbound
Harjo, Joy. Crazy Brave.
X, Malcolm. The Autobiography
Auger-Dominguez, Daisy. Inclusion Revolution
Chugh, Dolly. The Person You Mean to Be: How Good People Fight Bias and The Person You Mean to Be
Frank, Tara Jaye. The Waymakers
Kim, Michelle Mijung. The Wake Up
Perry, Rhodes. Imagine Belonging and Belonging at Work
Tulshyan (Malhotra), Ruchika. Inclusion on Purpose
Zheng, Lily. DEI Deconstructed & DEI Reconstructed