We envision a future in which globally-minded leaders embrace diversity, pursue equity, and build inclusive cultures
Partner with CITC for a more measured and tailored solution for culture transformation strategy and implementation. We offer our expertise to you over retainer arrangements

Photo of Dr. Bhatti-Klug laughing as she stands in front of a screen with "Transforming Culture 18"

Nicole Cottrell is on stage, black background, speaking to an audience (not shown)

A man is at a recording studio; he has on headphones and is seated behind a microphone

Photo of Dr. Bhatti-Klug laughing as she stands in front of a screen with "Transforming Culture 18"
Organizations that cultivate diverse teams see a
40 percent increase in innovation (HBR, 2019).
Invest in your entire organization—including senior leaders and every contributor—to ensure that you are upholding standards of healthy workplace cultures. Collaborate over three, six, twelve, or more months with us to build an Culture Transformation Program.
By serving as your Culture Consultant, we will help guide your organization in demonstrating culturally responsive behaviors through our 3-step process of Discovery, Training & Consulting, and Program Assessment.
We are a human-centered, data-informed, and fully insured small business that gets to the heart of professional matters to offer action-oriented solutions for structural and individual change. Our holistic strategy allows your organization to select the number of trainings and consultation services that meet your needs, on a flexible timeline.
How CITC’s Leadership & Culture Strategy is Different Than Other Models
We are not satisfied with the one-and-done workshop model; true culture work takes time. We honor this process.
Our model is data-informed and time-tested for organizational success.
We will leave your organization better than we found it.
We empower the members of your organization to continue CI for culture transformation work into the future.
Through our innovative first-step of the organizational transformation process, we will collaborate with you to assess your organization's current cultural climate through our robust Culture Survey, which assess three areas:
Organizational Culture
Supervisory Culture
Personal Workplace Culture
The second-step of the organizational transformation process is continuous research-based, human-centered, interactive education.
Before we educate your organization, we come alongside leadership to provide the following services:
Creation (or alignment) of culture-centered Vision, Mission, and Values statements
Address Culture Survey challenges through co-created solutions through our Culturally Intelligent facilitations
Co-create plan and timeline for organizational change via training and consulting
Over the course of your customized program, your team will become prepared for the work of developing CI through these offerings:
Becoming Culturally Intelligent PRO with CI Assessment and Cultural Values Inventory
Community-specific facilitations
Leadership and team development through associated tools
IDI: Measure group and individual mindsets as they relate to engaging across differences through the Intercultural Development Inventory
Design Convo X: Strategic conversations among team members to determine action steps forward
Enneagram: Team building through the Culturally Intelligent Enneagram, in which we help individuals understand how they're uniquely motivated to lead and work
Conduct annual/biannual Culture surveys to ensure your organization is fostering atmospheres of belonging
Formation of accountability processes, including Cultural Intelligence Map design
For organizations that already have engaged the Predictive Index (PI), CITC has certified consultants to provide group and individual readbacks of profiles
Our final step is a continuous effort to ensure your organization is moving toward a healthier culture climate. Throughout our partnership, we use surveys, selected interviews, focus groups, and reflective responses, to evaluate the effectiveness of your customized program and use data-informed decision making to refine processes and approaches.